
Below you can view some of my sample work, which will be regularly updated:

English into Chinese

Subject: Art

Yet the painter, for me, remains a mystery. What face really lay behind such magical artistry? What was the essence of his heart, his outlook? What was his authentic message, which he expressed through the medium of painting? The man, who I had the good fortune of getting to know and who never hesitated in extending his friendship, was reminiscent of those portraits of artists throughout history on canvas, and since the middle of the nineteenth century, in photography.

However the individual whom I consider is in fact, remarkably ordinary. By which I mean his manner and behaviour are not self-consciously that of an artist – he suffers from no artistic affectations or ostentations, which is ultimately the shop window of his person. He welcomed me unreservedly, evidently pleased to meet me. He was relaxed and friendly and curious to get to know me. Or perhaps to remember. Such was the man who immediately set me at ease, and continues to do so: there are no optical tricks or illusions with Christian. Rather, an unwavering authenticity, an unchecked sensitivity and even-handedness, all part of the shared confidence in our acquaintance for which we need one another.  

不过,画家本人对我来说一直是个谜。如此魔法般的艺术才能究竟遮盖着怎样的面孔?什么是他的心和态度的本质?在他通过绘画所传达的讯息中,什么是他的真实本意? 我很有幸结识了这个人,他从不在伸出友谊之手时有所犹豫,他让人想起所有绘画史的画家们和 19 世纪中叶以来的摄影艺术家们的肖像。

不过,依我看来,画家本人实际相当普通。我的意思是他的举止行为不具有艺术家般夸张的自我意识——他没有艺术家的矫情或爱卖弄的毛病,这使他成为一个很受欢迎的人。他率直地欢迎我的到来,对与我见面表现出真诚的喜悦。他为人松弛友好,且很好奇地想了解我或者可能是记住我。他就是这样一个令我立刻感到自在的人,而且一直是这样:克里斯蒂安身上没有任何迷惑人的把戏或假象。 他身上真正具有的是一种不变的真实感、不受拘束的感性和公正,这些都是我们对彼此友谊充满信心的来源——我们相互需要。 

Subject: Gaming

Gunnery covers the fundamentals of the technology and science behind space ship weaponry.

Only those that fully understand the underlying mathematics for long range targeting and hi-tech arsenals can hope to stay on top of the myriad new gadgetry that appears every year.

The capsule technology allows the captain to attain total affinity with his ship, as long as he's intimately familiar with both the capsule and the ship itself and all its potential.

For those that reach this level maneuvering and commanding their ship becomes like second nature to them.

Science, the art of experimentation and observation, is an enticing pursuit for the inquisitive mind.

The focus is on practical application of the knowledge acquired herein, making science students uniquely able to handle complex scientific tasks in the field.

Might makes right and in this day and age money is where the might lies.

Acute businessmen abound and the only way to beat them is at their own game.

Once you understand what drives the market you're halfway home to earning your first million.

Engineering is an excellent foundation to build a successful space ship career on.

Being tech-savvy allows a captain to be more than just the driver of his ship - he becomes the ship's master.

In the hi-tech world of EVE being comfortable around complex machines can mean the difference between life and death.













Subject: ERP

SAP reduces the cost of doing business and increases profit

SAP will improve access to real-time information allowing us to make faster and better business decisions, which will help reduce costs and increase profit.

The Project XXXX initiative will help ABC increase our annual productivity and profitability by transforming our current processes, enabling savings to such areas as:

• Distribution and transportation costs

• Direct and indirect procurement costs

• Excess and obsolete inventory

• Stock-outs

• Deductions and returns management

SAP and the Growth Game Plan

Streamlining our processes and deploying SAP will increase value at the regional and enterprise level, helping us stay competitive in today's constantly evolving market.

Implementing SAP supports the mission of the Growth Game Plan and the 5 ways to win. Streamlined, integrated, global processes help us build an execution powerhouse. They also deliver savings, which unlocks trapped capacity for growth.

Now that you know the benefits of SAP, let's take a closer look at the system.

SAP 降低业务成本并增加利润

SAP 将改进获取实时信息的能力,使我们能更快、更优秀地作出业务决策,这有助于降低成本和增加利润。

通过改变我们当前的流程,XXXX 项目方案将帮助 ABC 公司提高年生产能力和盈利能力,实现在下列领域节省成本:

• 分配和运输成本

• 直接和间接采购成本

• 过剩和报废库存

• 库存耗竭

• 扣除和退货管理

SAP 和增长战略

精简我们的流程并有效运用 SAP 将在区域级别和企业级别增加价值,帮助我们在当今不断发展的市场中保持竞争力。

应用 SAP 有利于增长战略的目标使命和获得成功的5项法则。精简化、整合型、全球性的流程有助于我们建立具有超强执行力的企业。它们还能节省成本,这可释放遭禁锢的生产力,从而实现增长。

现在,您已知晓 SAP 的优点,让我们更深入了解该系统。

Subject: Photography

With all the speed and power you expect from a new XXXX flagship,  the XXXXX is packed with expanded features and versatility. Put simply: it shoots what you want,  where you want,  faithfully following your intentions with an incredibly accurate initial AF detection and AF tracking performance,  even at high subject magnifications or after sudden changes in your subject’s distance. You get incredible JPEG image quality straight out of the camera,  including a new level of depth,  sharpness and malleability. Video capabilities are more powerful and versatile than ever,  with a new 1080/60p and shockingly sharp 1920 x 1080 crop mode that must be seen to be believed.

New algorithms to further empower the accurate AF acquisition of extremely fast and erratically moving subjects, both near and far

Tenacious AF tracking, even when subjects are unpredictable, low-contrast, approaching or receding at high speeds

Instant and strategic AF-area mode selection via Telephoto NIKKOR AF activation button for optimized AF in any situation

众所期待的XXXX新旗舰级照相机XXXXX拥有迅捷的操作速度和强大性能, 满载丰富功能,表现灵活全面。简言之:它能令您随心所欲地拍摄,其精确的初始AF侦测和AF追踪性能可忠实追随您的拍摄意图,即使拍摄对象经高倍放大或者至拍摄对象目标的距离突然发生变化,也能应对自如。XXXX提供优秀的照相机直出JPEG图像品质,图像的层次、锐利度和可塑性都达到了新高度。视频能力比以往更强大、全面;只有亲眼所见,才能感受到新增的1080/60p和极清晰1920 x 1080裁切模式的动人魅力。




Subject: Taxation

Numerous countries (e.g., Canada, Australia, and Japan) tax foreigners on the gains realized on transfers of interests in foreign entities that invest directly or indirectly in real estate in those countries. In the last few years, actions taken by tax authorities in India, China, Brazil, Indonesia, and other non-Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries have highlighted the possibility of taxing a broader range of indirect share transfers by foreigners. This article argues that taxing indirect transfers can have vital policy significance in countries where foreign inbound investments are actively traded in offshore markets: it not only deters tax avoidance, but may also stanch legal base erosion 一 the substitution of offshore investment structures for legal mechanisms in onshore markets. The successful implementation of a broad policy of taxing indirect transfers, however, depends crucially on securing voluntary taxpayer compliance. To this end, this article proposes to rationalize existing practices for taxing indirect transfers in two major ways: (1) striking a better balance between ex ante and ex post lawmaking; and (2) consistently treating taxable indirect transfers as sales of underlying target companies (thus allowing conforming adjustments in tax basis). These improvements better target tax avoidance, eliminate arbitrary consequences, and generate market incentives that facilitate compliance.

在许多国家(比如加拿大、澳大利亚和日本),若存在外国实体直接或间接投资于该国房地产,而且有外国人因转让其在这些外国实体中的权益而获得收益,则将对这些外国人征税。在过去几年中,印度、中国、巴西、印度尼西亚和其他非经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)国家的税务机关采取的行动突显了在更大范围内对外国人间接股份转让征税的可能性。本文认为,在外国入境投资于离岸市场活跃交易的国家中,对间接转让征税具有重要的政策意义:这不仅遏制避税,还可防止法律基础遭到侵蚀——这种侵蚀是指用离岸投资结构替换在岸市场的法律机制。但是,能否成功执行对间接转让征税的广泛政策,关键取决于能否确保纳税人自愿遵从法规。为此,本文提出两种主要方式,以对间接转让征税的现有做法进行合理化: (1) 更好地平衡事前和事后立法;和 (2) 始终如一地将应税间接转让视作对标的公司的出售(从而允许对课税标准进行一致性调整)。这些改进能更有效针对避税,消除任意性结果,并形成促进法规遵从性的市场激励机制。但是,能否成功执行对间接转让征税的广泛政策,关键取决于能否确保纳税人自愿遵从法规。为此,本文提出两种主要方式,以对间接转让征税的现有做法进行合理化: (1) 更好地平衡事前和事后立法;和 (2) 始终如一地将应税间接转让视作对标的公司的出售(从而允许税基方面符合标准的调整)。这些改进能更有效针对避税,消除任意性结果,并形成促进法规遵从性的市场激励机制。